As a UX designer, you need to stay on top of the latest design trends; this is not debatable. Every day, users come across and visit a lot of websites and apps. Your work style should evolve, remain fresh and resonate with the products you design.
Your creativity draws the attention of users. Business owners also focus on the visual appeal and usability of their web solutions to make users stay glued to their products. 


Now, let’s explore the juiciest UIUX design trends of 2021. 


Simplified UX 

Simplicity is often referred to as one of the major principles of UX design. Nielsen Norman Group defines User Experience as the first requirement for an exemplary user experience to meet the exact needs of the customer, without fuss or bother. Next comes simplicity and elegance that produce products that are a joy to own, a joy to use. 

Make everything easy! 

It’s 2021, you should not complicate interfaces and force users to take extra actions. Minimize the number of elements that customers will fill out. Simplified registration and signing in have become one of the latest UX trends. No one wants to fill in their information on a beautiful 27-page registration site. Rather than have users remember their password at every login, you can have them log in with their phone numbers and a personal code unique to them. 

Your goal as a UI/UX designer is to create simple and easy to follow designs that get people where they want efficiently and effectively. 

Now the question will be, can we quantify the simplicity of a UX design? 

Yes, my answer is yes. 

Simplicity is reducing and addressing complexity. 


READ ALSO: UX DESIGN: What a UX Designer should Know


Below are two easy ways to address complexity: 

  1. Reduce or remove elements. Take another look at your design, now, thoughtfully remove some elements, and see how much focus there is on its essentials. Take another look and see that you have not sacrificed the usability of the product.
  2. Don’t attempt to play with choices. Create a balance in the user pathway through careful consideration of the choices you present. According to Occam’s razor, the idea is that simpler explanations of observations should be preferred to more complex ones.

What makes a great design is simplicity. 

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